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Lowest Price Guarantee. Dedicated Advisor to Help You Get the Best Deal in 1x24 Hours. Feel the taste of Japan in Jakarta. A big Japanese restaurant chain opened up a branch in Jakarta in emporium mall. It's reasonably priced with a lot of food CBD Pluit adalah Apartemen, terletak di Jakarta Utara. Lihat detail CBD Pluit, nilai transaksi terbaru, panduan harga, lokasi strategis terdekat, ulasan properti CBD Pluit - YouTube 26.02.2019 · Apartment, Suite, Garden House di CBD Pluit Apartment CBD Pluit Padma 10A, Jakarta, Indonesia - Booking.com CBD Pluit Padma 10A, a property with a garden, is situated in Jakarta, 6 km from Museum Bank Indonesia, 8 km from Dunia Fantasi, as well as 9 km from Jual Apartemen CBD Pluit Murah | Apartment for Sale CBD Pluit accommodates a comprehensive range of facilities that will boost convenience in the area, such as fitness centre, swimming pool olympic size, tennis court, jogging track, sauna and steam room, security 24 hours, parking space, playground for kid, and jacuzzi. CBD Pluit is medium end apartment with comfortable environment for family, professional, or newlyweds.
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